How to seek clarifications to a provider's response in 360

Sometimes a providers' response is unclear or is missing key information.  360 allows evaluators to seek clarification with a time-limited response using this workflow:

  1. Evaluator seeks clarification

  2. Request manager issues the clarification

  3. Provider responds before the clarification's due-date

  4. Request manager shares the response with evaluators

Step-by-step guide

To seek a clarification:

  1. Sign-in to as an Evaluator

  2. From any evaluation screen (see How to evaluate a request (e.g for tender) in 360):

    1. Click View/Seek Clarification on the response that is unclear

    2. Click New Clarification

    3. Complete the Outgoing Details (which will default to standard text ready for you to identify what needs to be clarified)

    4. Specify the Due Date & Time

    5. Click either:

      1. Ask Request Manager to Send Clarification

      2. Issue Clarification (if you are also a request manager)


The request manager must review each clarification before it is issued and before it is shared to:

  • Avoid providers being asked to clarify a point multiple times

  • Ensure that best procurement practices (such as not allowing evaluators see prices) are maintain

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