How to send a private message (direct message) to a provider in 360


Sometimes an enquiry, clarification, or any number of other reasons makes it necessary to write to a single participant in a request (e.g. for tender) rather than issue an addendum to all participants.

360 allows a private two-way communication thread to be initated (and optionally terminated) by the request manager.

There are three ways a direct message thread can be started:

  1. Via the request's Interested/Invited Providers page

  2. When replying to an Enquiry

  3. From the Clarification screen

Step-by-step guide

To send a direct message:

  1. Sign-in to as the Request Manager

  2. From the home page click Requests and locate the request

  3. From:

    1. The Interested/Invited Providers page

      1. Click Send Direct Message

    2. An Enquiry

      1. Click Reply with Direct Message

    3. Clarification

      1. Click Reply with Direct Message

  4. Enter:

    1. Summary

    2. Details

    3. Optionally:

      1. Click Add File

      2. Deselect Allow Response to this Message?

      3. Add Notes

    4. Click Send Message

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