How to finalise (award) a request

Depending on the request, the final step for a request manager is to finalise the evaluation and award the winners.  The options at this point are:

  • Record the winning price and justification

  • Send congratulations and commiserations messages

  • Assign providers to panels

360 automatically associates the winners with the buyer's organisation - see How to associate a provider with your organisation within the 360 buyers' portal.

Step-by-step guide

To finalise a request:

  1. Sign-in to as a Request Manager

  2. Find the request in the Requests → Closed list and open its Request Dashboard

  3. From the Request Dashboard, select Actions → Finalise Request (award)

  4. Select the Awardees (if any)

  5. Select a Reason for the decision (such as Value for Money)

  6. Enter the Winning Price

  7. Enter Internal Comments - comments for internal reporting only

  8. Optionally, select Lock Request to lock evaluation scores

  9. Optionally, select Email Providers to use 360 notification service to send the outcome notifications 

  10. Enter External Comments if emailing providers

  11. If appropriate for policy reasons (especially for category-based panel establishment requests):

    1. Click Add Selected to Panels

    2. Select the applicable Panels (noting that all of the selected providers will be added to all of the selected panels)

    3. Click either:

      1. Add as Associated Provider (to add them to the panels and associate the provider)

      2. Add as Preferred Provider (to add them to the panels and associate the provider as a preferred provider)

    4. Click Back

  12. Click Award Request

At this point, the request moves out of the For Evaluation list on the buyers' portal and out of the Favourites list on the providers' portal.

If award approval is necessary (ADCOM extension), an approval workflow must be completed, requiring approval and the approver signing in to approve.

If no awardees are selected, there is an option to send a commiseration email to all respondents.

To view the email templates, visit the Settings → Email Templates page.

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