How to create, edit and support Member organisations in 360 internal portal

When the 360 account holder wishes to allow access to shared panels and/or request templates created in the 360 environment.

Step-by-step guide

To create a new Member organisation 

  1. Sign-in to as a Boss or a Member Manager
  2. From the main menu, click Members
  3. Click Add Member Organisation
  4.  Enter Member organisation account details 
    1. First user's email: (User will have Boss account access for the Member organisation's 360 account) 
    2.  Is the Account Public?  (A public account is listed in 360's Public Buyers list and on's website)
    3. Account Code: (The account code is used to build a unique URL for your account in the public portal (if it is public))
    4. Account Name: (The account name is used in emails (#AccountName#) and in the public portal)
    5. Account Info: (The account info is displayed in the buyer's list (to help providers know if they should look at your requests) and in emails (#AccountInfo#))
    6. Is Sandpit Account? (A sandpit account is only visible to associated providers (for testing and training purposes)
    7. Send Emails? (360 can be stopped from sending emails (which can be helpful when testing and training in the sandpit account)
    8. Time Zone: (The time zone cannot be changed once requests have been published).
  5. Click Save
  6. Complete steps 1 to 5 if you want to add additional members. 

Editing existing Member organisation's 360 accounts 

  1. Sign-in to as a Boss or a Member Manager
  2. From the main menu, click Members
  3. Click Add Member Organisation
  4. Click Edit on the member tile for either
    1. Livery and Public Presentation . (Allows you to set the member organisation's logo, name, public presence, report styling etc. 
    2. Request Configuration Rules & New Request Defaults (Adjust the member organisation's options and features that apply to all requests and set the default configuration for new requests. such as Closing times, Communication Options, Supporting Options, Pre-Submission Rule Options, Staff & Contractors Options, and Other configuration options) 
    3.  Email Templates (Adjust the member organisation's 35 email templates)  
    4. Lexicon (Adjust the member organisation's terms and definitions within 360 to suit your organisation's requirements.  

Supporting existing Member organisation's 360 accounts 

  1. Sign-in to as a Boss or a Member Manager
  2. From the main menu, click Members
  3. Click Add Member Organisation
  4. Click on the Enter Support Mode on the member's tile. (When you are in a Member's Organisations account via support mode, you will have Request Manager User access to their account only)  

Member Organisations: Security and Cost Implications

  1. Each member organisation has access to the shared panels created in this 360 environment.
  2. Member organisations that do not have their own separate 360 licence:
    1. can publish invitation-only requests to the shared panel members
    2. must comply with the contract terms that apply to this 360 environment; and
    3. unless otherwise agreed, will incur monthly, per-user licence fees.

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