How to create a new request (e.g. for tender) in the 360 internal portal

360 supports requests for tender, quote, expressions of interest, etc. with two workflows:

  1. Standard - all responses must be received prior to evaluation

  2. Pre-qualification - all responses can be evaluated immediately upon submission

Step-by-step guide

To create a request:

  1. Sign-in to as a Request Manager

  2. From the main menu, click Requests

  3. If using the old look:

    1. Click Add Request

  4. If using the new look:

    1. Click New Request

  5. Leading Part

  6. Specify the initial configuration:

    1. Enter a Request Name - a unique name that allows you to identify the request in the request list later

    2. Complete the following recommended fields:

      1. Request Details - a summary of the statement of works

      2. Contact Instructions 

      3. Black Flag - conditions for participation 

      4. Pre-submission Rules Apply? - if yes, state the pre-submission requirements

    3. Complete the following optional fields that will help with reporting:

      1. Advertising Details  - How will the tender be advertised 

      2. Qualifying Assessment - The minimal viable total weighted score for a tenderer to be short-listed. (Optional) 

      3. Budget - The value against which the offers will be compared (Optional)

      4. Cost Code - The financial delegation for the budget 

      5. Business Unit - The organisational unit that controls the budget (ADCOM extension) 

    4.  Consider:

      1. Will the providers need to attend a mandatory site visit or industry briefing?  If so, select Pre-Submission Rules Apply

      2. Will the providers submit a lump-sum price as part of their submission?  If so, select Cost Associated 

      3. Do local providers receive preferential consideration?  If so, select Location Associated

      4. Does the request contain a degree of complexity such that the questionnaire ought to be divided into sections?  If so, select Section Required

      5. Is the workflow a Standard or Pre-qualification?  If evaluation occur immediately while the request is still open for applications, select Pre-qualification

      6. Will the documentation sent to providers include copyright materials for which a fee must be recovered?  If so, select Request Documents - Fee Required (ADCOM extension)

      7. Are there large files that do not need to be included in the providers' export (the export they download to archive their submission)?  If so, chose the appropriate options for Attachments to be included in the Providers' Exports:

        • Response Attachments

        • Request Documents

        • Section Documents

        • Question Documents and/or

        • Addenda

    5. Specify the Score Upper Limit - the highest value an evaluator can rate a provider's response (e.g. 10 out of 10)

    6. Select the key milestone dates:

      • Closing Date & Time (in your local time-zone) - the date/time all submissions must be received

      • Target Release Date & Time - the date/time the request will be available for submissions (although this is reviewed at the point of publishing)

      • Evaluation Due Date - the date the evaluators ought to be finished with their assessment

      • Decision Due Date - the date the approach to market ought to be concluded, and an announcement made to all applicants

  7. Click Add

At this point, your request is saved, and the:

  • Request Documents can be uploaded

  • Evaluation Guide can be uploaded

  • The questionnaire can be configured

  • Other settings can be configured (such as selecting the evaluation team)

Section Required cannot be changed after the initial save.

Request Documents and the Evaluation Guide cannot be uploaded until after the initial save.

If not all the options are available, please log in as the Boss and adjust the System Settings.

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