How to release (publish) a public request to the 360 public portal for anyone to respond to

Requests published in the online pubic portal can either be:

  • Public - accessible by every company with a 360 account
  • Private - accessible by invited companies with a 360 account

Public requests can also be promoted so companies can find out about the approach to market without a 360 account (ADCOM extension)

Step-by-step guide

To create a Public Request:

  1. Sign-in to as the Request Manager
  2. From the main menu, click Requests
  3. If using the new look:
    1. Click Drafts
    2. Click Configure against the desired request 
    3. Click Request Dashboard (New Look)
    4. Click Providers
  4. If using the old look:
    1. Select the request from the list
    2. Click on the   icon
  5. Ensure the provider list is empty
  6. Follow instructions How to release (publish) a request to the 360 public portal to publish the request

Once published, the request will be publicly available


  • Providers can be added after a request has been released.  Each provider will receive a notification stating that they have been invited to respond to the request.
  • The ADCOM extensions allow the requests to be promoted by region and Industry.  A promoted request is displayed on the public portal home page and interested providers will be notified once the request is released.

Terms of use

Visitors who are not part of the intended audience (as specified on this space's overview page) may not access this content.
If you are accessing content for which you are not the intended audience you may not use it for any purpose.
As private content can be published in error, if in doubt, you are not the intended audience.
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