How to view and reply to enquiries (incoming messages) in 360


Depending on the buyers' system settings, 360 displays a Contact Request Manager button prior to the request's closing date to allow providers to ask questions when responding to the request.

Step-by-step guide

To view the incoming queries:

  1. Sign-in to as the Request Manager

  2. From the home page click Requests and select the request

  3. Click Enquiries

  4. Click Open against the desired enquiry

  5. Click Reply with Addendum

  6. Enter:

    1. Details

    2. Optionally:

      1. Edit the Summary

      2. Select the Recipients (Addenda can be directed to sub-sets of the request participants)

      3. Select Add File

      4. Add Notes

  7. Click Issue Addendum

At this point, 360 will send this message to the selected group of request participants. 

Keeping Confidences and Maintaining Probity

Please use discretion when responding to enquiries with an addendum.  If sharing the provider's enquiry, be mindful to remove in-confidence material.  Addenda are seen by all providers.

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