How to limit access to supporting documents in the 360 Internal Portal

Sometimes supporting documents contain copyrighted materials that attract royalty payments and/or confidential information for which a non-disclosure agreement must be signed.
For these circumstances 360 has the Restrict Supporting Documents / Fee Required feature.

Step-by-step guide

Boss user will first need to enable the Fee Required option for request managers. To enable this option:

  1. Sign-in to as Boss User
  2. From the main menu, click Settings
  3. Click Request Configuration Rules & New Request Defaults
  4. Click Supporting Documents Options
  5. Choose either:
    1. Yes by default
    2. No default - the Request Manager must decide for all requests
  6. Enter the default Fee Description 
  7. Click Save

At this point, you have successfully enabled the Fee Required option for request managers to configure.

To restrict or derestrict the provider's access to request documents: 

  1. Sign-in to as Request Manager
  2. Follow the instructions in How to create a new request (e.g. for tender) in the 360 internal portal to create a new request
  3. Follow the instructions in How to release (publish) a public request to the 360 public portal for anyone to respond to to release a request
  4. From the main menu, click Requests
  5. If using the new look:
    1. Click Open / Pending / In Late Submission Period
    2. Click Manage against the desired request
    3. Click Request Dashboard (New Look)
    4. Click Providers
  6. If using the old look:
    1. Select the desired request from the list
    2. Click on the   icon
  7. Click Set Pre-Submission Status
  8. To limit the providers' access to the supporting documents, set Fee Paid? to No
  9. To allow or restore the providers' access to the supporting documents, set Fee Paid? to Yes
  10.  Click Confirm

The actual process of paying the document fee or whether the provider has attended the mandatory briefing etc. is handled outside of 360.

If the providers' access to the documents or submitting responses is restricted, the text specified for Fee Description in request configuration or at system settings will be displayed to providers on the Request Info tab in the public portal.

The hyperlinks for the documents will not be displayed on the Request Info tab for a provider until access has been granted by the Request Manager

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