How to include a Provider after a Request is released and before it has closed

360 allow its Users to include a specific provider(s) to a request.

Provider(s) can be added on a request that is released or published but isn't closed yet.

Step-by-step guide

To include a provider after the request is released: 

  1. Sign-in to as a Request Manager
  2. From the main menu, Click on Requests
  3. If using the new look:
    1. Click Open / Pending / In Late Submission Period
    2. Click Manage against the desired request
    3. Click Request Dashboard (New Look)
    4. Click Providers
  4. If using the old look:
    1. Select the desired request that is not released but not closed
    2. Click on the   icon
  5. Click Invite Providers
  6. Search the provider either by:
    1. Provider ID
    2. Email Address
    3. Legal Entity Name
    4. Trading Name

  7. Select a single Provider or multiple Providers from the list
  8. Click Add Selected Provider(s)

At this point, the providers are successfully added to this open request

The newly added providers will be listed on the Request Providers view. The request providers view can be accessed by clicking   icon.

The newly added providers will also receive the same request published email that the original providers received.

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