How to assign default users for all new requests in the 360 internal portal

When creating new requests, its often the same people who fill the various roles as manager, evaluator, reporter, etc.

Step-by-step guide

To specify the default users for new jobs

  1. Sign-in to as the Boss
  2. From the main menu, click Settings
  3. Click Request Configuration Rules & New Request Defaults
  4. Click on Staff & Contractor Options
  5. Select the default Nominated Consensus Evaluator from the drop-down list
  6. Select the default assignees for each role:
    1. Select Managers from the list containing users with the Request Manager role
      These people will be able to perform most functions for an approach to market - before, during, and after it has been released.
    2. Select Evaluators from the list containing users with the Request Evaluator role
      These people will all need to evaluate (score) each and every response before the job can be locked and awarded 
    3. Select Non-Scoring Evaluators from the list containing users with the Request Non-Scoring Evaluator role (ADCOM extension)
      These people will be able to participate in the evaluation but are not required to score the responses
    4. Select Reporters from the list containing users with the Request Reporter role
      These people will be able to view the responses and scores via various reports
    5. Select Request Release Approvers from the list containing users with the Request Release Approver role
      These people will receive a request to review and approve (or reject) the release of the job to providers - one (not all) approver needs to respond
    6. Select 2nd Request Release Approvers from the list containing users with the Request Release Approver 2nd Level role (ADCOM extension)
      These people will receive a request to review and approve (or reject) the release of the job to providers - one (not all) 2nd level approver needs to respond
    7. Select Decision Approvers from the list containing users with the Decision Approver role
      These people will receive a request to review and approve (or reject) the request completion steps - one (not all) approver needs to respond
  7. Click Save

Please note:

  • Only the Boss can change system settings
  • Lists will not be visible if the related system settings are not applied
  • When copying a request, the default users are combined with the copied request's assigned users

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