How to export responses for a request (e.g for tender) in 360 public portal

It is quite common to keep a copy of the responses submitted to a request (e.g for tender).

360 compiles all the responses and documents submitted against a request (e.g for tender) in one file that can be easily downloaded in public portal.

Step-by-step guide

To export your provider responses:

  1. Sign-in to
  2. Find the request. See: How to find a request (e.g. for tender) in the 360 public portal
  3. Click on Final Step tab
  4. Click on   icon against Export Responses heading

    At this point, a new export request is added to queue. 360 will take a minute or two to process your responses.

    An email is also sent when the export process is completed.

  5. Click on   icon when an export is ready

    If you have previously initiated an export, the export may not include all of your responses.
    To get the most updated copy of your responses, delete the existing export by clicking  icon and follow the step 4 and step 5 again.

At this point, you should be able to download/save the zip file on your device.


The export is a point-in-time export and will take a minute or two to process your responses. The questionnaire contains items that are only presented when answers to preceding questions match specific criteria.

The export does not contain questionnaire items that are hidden.

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