Request Manager Guidance: What to do when a request is open

Request Manager Guidance Part 1 of 2

As a request manager, when the request is open your role is to maintain probity and ensure that the request participants can respond with accurate, well thought-through submissions as best they can.

This help article has some tips that may help.

Tips for Request Managers

When a request is open, these scenarios and options may help:

  1. If a respondent needs more information:
    1. The Contact Request Manager feature allows enquiries to be received from respondents
    2. The Issue Addendum and Reply with Addendum features allows additional information to be sent to all participants both before and after the closing date


      Poorly managed enquiries and addenda can affect probity.

      Enquiries in 360 are not automatically shared with other respondents.  They are considered private messages from the respondent to the request manager.

      Replying with an addendum will copy the message as an editable response to be shared with all respondents.  The 360 technical support team recommends:

      1. Removing private information before issuing the addendum
      2. Recording detailed notes as and when necessary before marking each enquiry "Dealt With"
  2. If an error is identified in a questionnaire:
    1. The Correct Typos feature can be used to fix minor errors (available to Boss users only)
    2. Please contact the technical support team ( for help
    3. The request can be temporarily withdrawn if necessary (a rarely used feature that can be beneficial if waiting for legal advice)
  3. To ensure that you will receive sufficient responses:
    1. Download the Respondent Progress report to see completion stats
    2. Ensure that the closing date reminder days is set to 3 (or more) days
    3. Resend reminders if necessary

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