Request Manager Guidance: What to do when a request has closed

Request Manager Guidance Part 2 of 2

As a request manager, when the request is closed your role is to maintain probity and ensure that the evaluation process leads to accurate information being presented to decision makers.

This help article has some tips that may help.

Tips for Request Managers

When a request has closed, these scenarios and options may help:

  1. If a respondent failed to submit on time, you may wish to:
    1. Accept their submission without further edits - see How to accept an incomplete submission
    2. Open a late submission window - see How to open a late submission window
    3. Accept an emailed or paper-based submission - see How to receive a paper or emailed submission (a Manual Tender)
    4. Inspect the Respondent Progress report to see if the provider did not allow sufficient time to respond
  2. If the responses need to be checked for minimal compliance before sharing with the evaluation team:
    1. Assign yourself as a Non-Scoring or Consensus Evaluator and prevent the evaluation team from scoring - see How to assign users to a request (grant or revoke access) in the 360 internal portal
    2. Use the evaluation screens to check each response - see How to evaluate a request in 360
    3. Black-flag non-compliant responses - see How to black flag a provider’s response to a Request (RFQ, RFT, RFx) in 360
  3. If you need to archive all responses in your EDMS:
    1. Please download the Submitted Responses Zip Archive
  4. To assist and monitor the evaluation process:
    1. The Evaluation Status report contains all the information necessary oversee the process

      The Evaluation Status report has the Assessed Evenly? status and completion percentages.

    2. By using the Consensus Evaluations feature, you can standardise the evaluations - see How to use consensus evaluations in the 360 internal portal
  5. To assist decision making and communicating results to decision makers:
    1. The Rankings page displays scores and rankings
    2. A range Evaluation Results & Rankings (Word & Excel) reports provide quick access to charts and tables
    3. The report builder can be used to create tailored reports with commentary
  6. To assist with auditing and probity inspections:
    1. Audit entries can be saved at any time
    2. The audit log can be inspected and downloaded
    3. The message log can be inspected and downloaded
    4. 360 maintains a history of changes for many database tables
      360's technical support team ( can provide information from the audit trails however the effort to retrieve the data may need to be quoted

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