How to request company details (ABN, Address, Contact Email, Company Name etc.) for a Request in 360

It is common to ask providers to provide their ABN / ACN / ARBN, Address, Contact Details, Company Name, Company Email Address etc.

In 360 these questions are configured on the Provider Info page and completed by provider on the Your Info page.

Step-by-step guide

To request the providers' contact details:

  1. Sign-in to as the Job Manager
  2. From the main menu, click Requests
  3. If using the old look:
    1. Select a desired request from the list
  4. If using the new look:
    1. Click Drafts
    2. Click Manage against the desired request
    3. Click Request Info (Old Look)
  5. Click on Respondent Info from the menu at the top of the screen
  6. Click Specify Required Information

At this point, you have an option to either choose Old or New System.

If choosing New System:

  1. Select the options for information that you will need from each provider by either selecting: 
    1. Mandatory
    2. Optional
    3. N/A
  2. Click Save

If choosing Old System:

  1. Click Use Old System
  2. Under the Items, choose the information you require from the following:
    1. ACN / ABN / ARBN for free-text field where the providers enter their company number(s)
    2. Address for a structured postal address (with optional Strict Validation on the post-code format - 4 digits)
    3. Company Name for free-text defaulting to the provider's name
    4. Contact Email for an email address (strict validation only)
    5. Contact Person for the person's name
    6. Contact Phone for business hours, after hours, and mobile phone numbers (with optional Strict Validation - 10 digits)
    7. Entity Name and ABN (from ABN look-up) for company details strictly sourced from the Australian Business Register
    8. Public Liability Details for the liability insurance cover, expiry date, and certificate of currency
  3. Under the Items, choose which of the options:
    1. Are Mandatory - the provider must enter/select a value
    2. Use Strict Validation - the information entered is restricted:
      1. ABN must be selected - not entered
      2. Email address must have a valid syntax
      3. Address must have an Australian State/Territory and a 4 digit postcode
      4. Phone numbers must be 10 digits in length
  4. Click Update

Once published, the providers will see a Respondent option with a single page containing all the requested information.

The Entity Name and ABN (from ABN look-up) option cannot be used in conjunction with ACN / ABN / ARBN or Company Name.

The ABN look-up functionality can also be used in a regular question (for questions such as "Please specify your joint venture partner".

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