Question/statement configuration options in 360

Good data opens a world of opportunities

Configuring the questionnaire so it elicits precise and concise information from respondents results in major time savings for all concerned:

  • For respondents, it’s easy to know if they’ve responded to each criterion if there’s a place to respond for each.

  • For request managers, it’s easier to know if each submission is compliant if it was impossible for submissions to be missing required information.

  • For evaluators, it’s easier to give an objective assessment if the information is clearly identifiable as the answer to the question asked.

  • For report writers, it’s easier to prepare a report if the information is collated and doesn’t need copy-pasting from other media.

This page describes the configuration options for acquiring good data from both respondents and evaluators.


Question/statement configuration fields:

Field Label


Field Label


Short name/code

Short version of the question for use in Excel reports (column title).

Example: WHS Cert


A question or a statement to be answered or acknowledged.

Example: Do you have an independently certified WHS process?


Additional information to better understand the question/statement.

Example: If “Yes” please upload a copy of your WHS certification.

Weighted criterion

Option that if selected forces evaluators to score each response to the question.

Important! Not displayed to respondents.

Mandatory criterion

Option that if selected displays the word “Mandatory” to respondents.

Important! “Mandatory” as in “Not Optional” - non-compliant if not provided.

For contract

Option that if selected enables the question and responses to be included in a “For Contract” report.

Important! Not displayed to respondents.


Options for who and when sees the question/statement:

  • Displayed to respondents

  • Displayed to respondents (depending on previous response)

  • Displayed to evaluators only


Options for whether or not the question must be answered:

  • Must be answered/acknowledged

  • Can be skipped

  • Skipped by default

Tip: Don’t allow weighted questions to be skipped. Use skippable questions for information that can be provided later - after the evaluation.


Options for how the question/statement is to be displayed:

  • Displayed on its own page

  • Displayed in a series

  • Displayed at the start of a new series

Important! All questions in a series must have the same visibility configuration.

Show statements drop-down

Option for displaying a drop-down with statements that indicate an answer to the question.

Important: Statements can also be specified. If no statements are specified, 360 will assign defaults.


  • Comply Fully, Comply Partially, Do Not Comply (used for standard criteria)

  • Agreed (used for non-negotiable criteria)

Show data entry fields

Option for display data entry fields in 360’s online questionnaire with options:

  • Text (multiple lines w/o formatting)

  • Text (single line w/o formatting)

  • Formatted text (HTML)

  • Email address

  • Website address (URL)

  • Date

  • Date & time

  • Date range

  • Number

  • Number range

  • Digits (allows leading zeros)

  • Yes/No

  • ABN (with ABR look-up)

  • Address (with search)

  • Options list (list of choices)

  • Reference data (database search)

  • Table (up to 10 columns of data)

  • Price/Discount list (table of values)

  • Referee list (for online responses) - XL licence only

  • Pre-submission compliance check

Important! Each response option has its own configuration options.

Example: Formatted text (HTML) with a minimum of 50 words and maximum of 200 words.

Show attachment upload button

Option for allowing files to be uploaded with an optional limit.

Tip! Only allow one upload where it’s logical for just one file to be provided such as uploading a WHS certification where last year’s will be irrelevant.

Allow reuse of previous answers to this question

Option for allow respondents to copy their previous response to the question when answering the question.

Tip! Will automatically be turned on if a question is duplicated (such as copying a request).

Relative weight

The importance of a criterion for the rankings algorithm.

Important! Not displayed to respondents or evaluators.

How relative weightings work

When you compare criterion A against criterion B, which is more important?

Give the most important section/question 100 points and the one that's half as important 50 points.

A weighting of 0 points means that scores are recorded but they'll have no effect on the rankings table.

360 will calculate percentages automatically.


Options for how the question responses are to be scored. The list of options is configured in 360’s system settings.


  • Unsatisfactory, Satisfactory, Exceeds Requirement

  • Very Poor, Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good

Important! Not displayed to respondents.

Evaluation guide

Guidance for the evaluators.

Tip: Click “Add Quick Scoring” to enable click-to-score-and-comment short-cuts.


Files for respondents and/or evaluators.

Important! Files for evaluators are not displayed to respondents.


Rules for displaying the question to respondents based on their previous question responses.

Important! Adjusting the configuration of the preceding question(s) may require subsequent adjustment to section(s)/question(s) that depend on the question(s) configuration.

Response form heading

Optional text to be displayed alongside the question number.

Evaluation plan

Information to provide context for why a question is included in the questionnaire.

Important! Not displayed to respondents or evaluators.

Default score

The default score assigned to each response.

Important! Evaluate by exception is useful for simple compliance checks.

Default evaluation comment

The default comment assigned to each response.

Important! Evaluate by exception is useful for simple compliance checks.

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