How to review and adjust the weights of all criteria (sections and questions) simultaneously in the 360 internal portal

To compare responses fairly, a good answer to an important criterion must be weighted more highly than a good answer to a trivial criterion.

360 uses comparison-of-importance (this criterion is relatively more important than that criterion) in its underlying algorithms to determine best value for money.

In short, the important criterion must have a higher relative weight than the trivial criterion.

Step-by-step guide

To alter or change the weight of questions:

  1. Sign-in to as the Request Manager
  2. From the main menu, click Requests
  3. If using the new look:
    1. Click Drafts
    2. Click Configure against the desired request
  4. If using the old look:
    1. Select the request from the list
  5. Click on the   icon
  6. Enter the Relative Weight (integer) for each weighted section and question

    Only questions Weighted Question? selected will listed.

    The percentages adjust automatically and its fine for a section or question to have a weighting of 0.

  7. Enter an Audit Reason if requested
  8. Click Update

Relative weighting is applied to both questions and sections.

  • The executive team should identify importance at a macro level (section weightings)
    For example: "Environmental Management" may be equally important as "Community Consultation" and only half as important as "Structural Integrity" so the sections' relative weights would be 5, 5, 10 (or a similar ratio)
  • The subject matter experts should identify importance at a micro level (question weightings)
    For example: "Spill Containment Measures" may be not quite twice as important as "Dust Containment Measures" so the questions' relative weights would be 18, 10 (or a similar ratio)

Don't be tempted to use percentages.  Relative weights are far easier to work with than percentages and 360 will calculate percentages for you.

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