How to configure a Plant Hire Request using 360

360 allows Plant Hire data to be submitted by providers to be transferred following a request for tender/quote/etc.

Step-by-step guide

To create a plant hire request within 360

  1. Sign-in to
  2. From the main menu, click Requests
  3. If using the new look:
    1. Click on Drafts
    2. Click Configure against the desired request
    3. Click Request Info (Old Look)
  4. If using the old look:
    1. Select the desired request from the list
  5. Click on the Plant Hire tab

    The Plant Hire tab is available if the plant hire settings are configured.

    The Plant Hire tab displays data from the Plant Hire application.

  6. On the Equipment tab, Select the desired equipment from the list
  7. Click Update
  8. On the Rates tab, verify that the configurations are correct or click Edit to change them

    Only one configuration is supported by Plant Hire

    If you edit the rates configuration, you will need to change the configuration in Plant Hire before the response data is transferred to Plant Hire.

  9. On the Insurances tab, select the insurance certificates the respondents/providers must supply
  10. Click Update

At this point, you have successfully configured the request to capture Plant Hire data.

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