How to select the Number of Openers and assign a User as an Opener

In 360, An ‘Opener’ is an authorised user able to Open a Request (Tender) and release it for evaluation.

Opening an e Tender Box in 360 is the virtual way of opening a Tender Box.

Step-by-step guide

To set the number of openers for a request in 360:

  1. Sign-in to as Boss User
  2. From the main menu, Click Settings
  3. If using the new look: 
    1. Click More System Settings
  4. Click Evaluation tab 
  5. Set the Number of Openers 

  6. To add an exception:

    1. Click Add Exception 
    2. Set the new Numbers of Openers required fewer than default number of openers
    3. If adding Budget exception:
      1. Select Budget is equal to or below a specified value option
      2. Enter the Budget value equal to or below
    4. If adding Request Type exception:
      1. Select The request type is any one of a specified range of values option
      2. Select the applicable Request Types 
    5. Click OK
  7. Click Update

At this point you have successfully set the no. of openers required for this accounts requests. 

Once the no. of openers are set, the Boss User can assign the opener role to its User by following these steps:

  1. From the main menu:
    1. If using new look:
      1. Click Settings
    2. Click Staff and Contractors
  2. Click Edit against the desired user
  3. Under the Request Processing Roles - tick the "Tender-Box" Opener option
  4. Click Save

At this point, You have successfully assigned an Opener Role to a desired user 

In More System Settings - Evaluation, by default the Number of Openers is set at 0

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