How to use 360 to check referees (ask referees to complete a form)

It is common to check the bona fides of all providers responding to an approach to market.  360 calls this a "Referee Check" and allows nominated referees to be contacted so they can answer a questionnaire online.

When a provider responds to a Referee Check question:

  1. A request is created for the provider
  2. Each nominated referee is registered as a respondent to the request
  3. Emails are sent with a #REFEREECHECKURL# hyperlink
  4. The sent messages are saved in the message log

By clicking on the hyperlink, the nominated referee can complete the questionnaire without needing to enter a username or password

Step-by-step guide pre-release

To use the Referee Check feature

  1. Sign-in to as the Boss
  2. Create and/or configure a template named "Referee Questionnaire" (or something similar)
    See: How to create a new template request (e.g. for tender) in the 360 internal portal

    The referee questionnaire can be used for as many requests as you like but please be careful not to alter referee check while it is actively being used for an approach to market.

  3. Sign-in to as the Request Manager
  4. From the main menu, click Requests
  5. If using the new look:
    1. Click Drafts
    2. Click Configure against the desired request
    3. Click Old Look's Request Info
  6. If using the old look:
    1. Select the request from the list
  7. Click on the section name in the top menu
  8. Click on   icon for the question that asks for referees
  9. Ensure that Allow Response? is selected
  10. Select Referee Check as the Response Type
  11. Click Select Template and find the template
  12. Optionally, specify the Minimum Value and/or Maximum Value limit the number of nominated referees
  13. Click Update
  14. Publish the request

Step-by-step guides post-release

Referees are not obliged to respond so 360 asks providers to include contact details.  This information is available both before and after the request closing date for request management and evaluation purposes.

To support nominated referees:

  1. Sign-in to as the Request Manager
  2. From the main menu, click Requests
  3. If using the new look:
    1. Click Open / Pending / In Late Submission Period
    2. Click Manage against the request
    3. Click Providers
  4. If using the old look:
    1. Select the request from the list
    2. Click on the   icon
  5. Find the provider that nominated the referees
  6. Click More Info
  7. Click Show Referee Requests
  8. Click Open Request for the question

The referee request will be opened in a new tab from where all request management functions will be available.

To access the nominated referee details and responses when available:

  1. Sign-in to as the Evaluator
  2. From the main menu:
    1. If using the new look, click Requests 
      1. Click Closed / Awaiting Finalisation 
      2. Click Evaluate against the desired request

        Note: If the request requires tender box opening, click Open (as in open Tender Box)
        and follow the steps in How to open a "Tender Box" in the the 360 buyers' portal
    2. If using the old look, click Evaluation
      1. Select the request from the list
  3. Navigate to the referee check question via either:
    1. One Provider at a Time
    2. One Question at a Time
  4. If available, click Referee Details Provided
  5. From the referee list, click Evaluate Referee Response(s) if available

The referee request will be opened in a new tab from where all evaluation functions will be available.

Referee check templates must be ready for use and should not be modified while a request that is using it is open.

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