How to use the Pre-Qualification Request feature in the 360 internal portal

In 360, a Pre-Qualification Request is a request to providers for them to be assessed for competency prior to being invited to participate in a invitation-only request (e.g. for tender).

Pre-qualification requests can be run as either:

  1. A request for expressions of interest that must be submitted by a specific time
  2. A request for pre-qualification that can be submitted at any time and assessed immediately

This article is for the latter - requests for pre-qualification that can be submitted at any time and assessed immediately.

Step-by-step guide

To run a pre-qualification request:

  1. Sign-in to as a Request Manager
  2. Referring to the related help articles below:
    1. Create a new request with Pre-qualification selected for "Standard or Pre-qualification?"
    2. Release the request as a public request
  3. When a provider submits an application, the request manager will be sent an email titled "Pre-qualification for #RequestName# by #ProviderName#" (with the keywords replaced as appropriate)
  4. The request manager should:
    1. Ensure that the evaluation team assesses the provider (see related article below)
    2. Open the request's Request Info page
    3. Click on Prequalify
    4. Use Ctrl+Click (Windows) +Click (Mac) to select the provider(s) in the list
    5. Select either Passed or Failed - an email titled "Prequalification successful/un-successful for #RequestName#" is sent to the provider
    6. Ensure that the panel manager adds the passed providers to the appropriate (see related article below)


When a provider is passed, they are automatically set to be an Associated Provider (see How to associate a provider with your organisation within the 360 internal portal)

If a provider is failed, they can reopen their response and resubmit.

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