In 360, a "Manual Tender" refers to responses to a request being received manually - e.g. a paper-based tender dropped in a physical tender box or documents emailed to the procurement team.

If a provider has not submitted their response via 360 provider's portal but you would still like them evaluated alongside other providers, the request manager can be add them manually.

Step-by-step guide part 1

To include a business in the list of respondents:

  1. Sign-in to as the Request Manager
  2. From the main-menu, Click Requests
  3. If using the new look:
    1. Click Closed / Awaiting Finalisation
    2. Click on Manage → Request Dashboard (New Look)
    3. Click Providers
  4. If the provider is:
    1. Listed:
      1. Click Actions against the desired provider
      2. Click Accept Late Submission
      3. Choose Accept Submission Manually (outside of 360) option
      4. Specify Audit Reason
      5. Click Save
    2. Not listed:
      1. Click Invite Providers
      2. Search the provider either by:
        1. Provider ID
        2. Email Address
        3. Legal Entity Name
        4. Trading Name

      3. Select a single Provider or multiple Providers from the list
        Note! The provider must be associated with your organisation.
        If it's not, please see: How to associate a provider with your organisation within the 360 internal portal
      4. Click Add Selected Provider(s)
        At this point, you have successfully added the provider(s) to this closed request.

The next step is to share the tender(s) with the evaluation team - see How to upload documents received after a request has closed

To avoid inconsistencies between responses entered into 360 and responses sent via email, the responses entered into 360 are deleted when using the Accept Submission Manually option. Other options available are:

  • Accept Incomplete
  • Allow Late Submission

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