How to assign Category Evaluators to a Request

Category evaluators can only see responses (anywhere in the questionnaire) for respondents who submitted responses in the category/categories assigned to the Evaluator. (Note Category Evaluators can only be applied if you have used the "Evaluation Criteria for a Single Category" Section in your Request's questionnaire). 

Step-by-step guide

How to assign a Category Evaluator 

  1. Sign-in to as a Request Manager or Boss 
  2. From the main menu, click Requests
  3. Click Search All
  4. Click Configure-Request
  5. Click on Staff and Contractors
  6. Click on Staff and Contractors Access Rights
  7. Assign the Evaluators to Category Evaluator using the drop-down menu 
  8. Click Select Categories 
  9. Tick the desired Categories for the Evaluator
  10. Click Back 
  11. Click Save.

Using category evaluators saves a lot of time and protects commercial-in-confidence information.
Important! Care is required when using category evaluators to ensure the leading part of a category-based request is evaluated fairly and consistently.

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