How to assign users to a request (grant or revoke access) in the 360 internal portal


It is common for someone to perform one role in one request (e.g. evaluator), a different role in others (e.g. manager), and have no role in most.

360 disallows access to all users except those the request manager has selected to be participants in the request.

Step-by-step guide

To grant a user access

  1. Sign-in to as the Request Manager

  2. From the main menu, click Requests

  3. If using the new look:

    1. Click either: 

      1. Drafts

      2. Open / Pending / In Late Submission Period

      3. Closed / Awaiting Finalisation

    2. Click  Configure against the desired request

    3. Click Request Dashboard (New Look)

    4. Click Staff & Contractors

  4. If using the old look: 

    1. Select the request from the list

    2. Click on the   icon

  5. Select the Evaluation lock status

    1. Evaluators without “Manager” rights have no access (compliance checking phase)

    2. Unlocked (evaluation phase)

    3. Locked (post-evaluation phase)

  6. Expand the Staff & Contractors' Access Rights group to:

    1. Select the Managers (Required)
      These people will perform most functions for an approach to market - before, during, and after it has been released.
      (Note: 360 will not allow you to exclude yourself from the management rights)

    2. Select the Evaluators (Required)
      These people will need to score each weighted response before the request can be locked and awarded.

    3. Select the Non-Scoring Evaluators (if applicable)
      These people will be able to participate in the evaluation but are not able to score the responses (they can save comments)

    4. Select the Reporters (if applicable)
      These people will be able to view the responses and scores via various reports.

    5. Select the Release Approvers (if applicable)
      These people will receive a request to review and approve (or reject) the release of the request to providers.
      (Note: One (not all) approver needs to respond)

    6. Select the 2nd Release Approvers (if applicable)
      These people will receive a request to review and approve (or reject) the release of the request to providers.
      (Note: One (not all) approver needs to respond)

    7. Select the Decision Approvers (if applicable)
      These people will receive a request to review and approve (or reject) the request completion steps
      (Note: One (not all) approver needs to respond)

  7. Expand the Consensus Evaluation Options group to:

    1. Select the default Nominated Consensus Evaluator (if applicable) from the drop-down list
      This person must be an evaluator who has not been selected as an evaluator or non-scoring evaluator above

    2. Enable/Disable the consensus evaluation mode by selecting Ready for consensus evaluation (if applicable)  either:

      1. No - Allow evaluators to keep scoring
        The nominated consensus evaluator will not be able to score or comment

      2. Yes - Prevent evaluators from scoring and give the consensus evaluator access
        This will prevent the evaluators from scoring & allow the nominated consensus evaluator to adopt their scores, comments and risk assessments.

  8. Click Save

  9. Enter an Audit Reason if requested

    1. Click Save


  1. It is safe to select and deselect evaluators after the evaluations have started. Deselected evaluators' scores will be ignored - not deleted.

  2. The Boss user can always perform the request manager functions

  3. The Boss user can perform extra functions (such as correcting typos while a request is open)

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