How to add bulk new evaluators (new users) to a request (XL 360 Licence required).

Step-by-step guide

To add bulk new evaluators (new users) to a request 

  1. Sign-in to as a Boss

  2. From the main menu, click Requests

  3. If using the new look:

    1. Click either: 

      1. Drafts

      2. Open / Pending / In Late Submission Period

      3. Closed / Awaiting Finalisation

    2. Click  Configure against the desired request

    3. Click Request Dashboard (New Look)

    4. Click Staff & Contractors

  4. If using the old look: 

    1. Select the request from the list

    2. Click on the  icon 

  5. Click on Staff Actions 
  6. Click Save & Add New Evaluator (new user) 
  7. Invite New Evaluators (bulk entry) by entering the email addresses of each evaluator separated by a space, new line, comma or semi-colon.   
  8. Select if they will be an Evaluator or a Non-Scoring Evaluator. 
  9. Click Add Users 

    What happens next:
    360 will:

    1. Find or create user records for each address
    2. Ensure each has access to 360 and this request with the specified role
    3. Let the "Boss" user(s) know that this action has happened
    4. Not let the evaluators know that they have been added
    5. Note: 360 will create initial passwords. Please ask the new users to sign in with password recovery and then update their profiles with name, phone number, etc., via the My Account page.
  10. Please wait for an email to be sent to the initiator when the background process is complete (or click refresh for a status update)

  11. Once evaluators have been added to your request, click on Staff Actions
  12. Click Save & Prepare "Evaluators Chosen" Emails. 
  13. Update (if needed) 360's default Email text
  14. Click Save and Send Notification.

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