How to use panels for invitation-only requests (e.g. RFQ) in 360


Panels are lists of providers that have been pre-qualified for specific categories of supply.

Once established, request managers can use panels to quickly find providers for invitation-only requests.

Before you begin

Does your organisation have panels established? If not:

  1. A user with Panel Manager access permissions will need to create the panels

  2. Category-based requests or a pre-qualification request can be used to fill the panels - see:




Step-by-step guide

To invite panellists to an invitation-only request:

  1. Sign-in to as a Request Manager

  2. Find the request in the Requests → Drafts list (or Open) and open its Request Dashboard

  3. Click Interested / Invited Providers

  4. Click Invite Panellists

  5. Either:

    1. Click Select All against the desired panel

    2. Click Select Specific against the desired panel

      1. Select a single Panellist or multiple Panellists from the list

      2. Click Add Selected Panellists

      3. Click Back

At this point the list will refresh to reflect the selection.

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